Guides for investigating and addressing environmental exposures Heading link
Environmental Exposure Resources Heading link
Ethylene oxide
Lead exposures
- Lead exposure guide for prenatal providers
- Understanding lead and arsenic exposures
- Managing lead exposure in pregnant/lactating women
- Lead screening during pregnancy and lactation
- Lead-safe toolkit for home-based child care
- Video: public health overview of Benton Harbor's lead crisis
- Exposiciones a plomo y arsénico
Quaternary ammonium for disinfection
Recursos en Español
- hoja informativa sobre desinfectantes más seguros
- CDC - Asma - Información básica
- CDC - Moho - Datos básicos sobre el moho (hongos)
- US EPA- Lead Spanish Información sobre el plomo _
- CDC- es_tfacts13- Lead FAQs en Espanol
- CDC Haga Con frecuencia Preguntas- Carbon Monoxide Spanish
- EPA asthma_fact_sheet_spanish_05_2016
- EPA Carbon Monoxide Spanish- Monóxido de carbono _ US EPA
- EPA Mercury- Spanish Información básica sobre el mercurio _ US EPA
- EPA Mold Guide- Spanish- Una breve guía para el Moho, la Humedad y su Hogar
- EPA Spanish Mold infographic
- Guide for Communities- Guía para comunidades
- Steps to resude exposures in the home- Pasos para reducir las exposiciones en el hogar
- CDC ToxFAQsTM_ Mercury (Quicksilver) (Mercury) _ ToxFAQ _ ATSDR Mercury CDC
Mercury in Fish
Healthy Eating Video Series
Related organization links Heading link
Related links
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- Center for Health, Environment and Justice
- Children’s Environmental Health Indicators
- Children’s Environmental Health Network
- Environmental Working Group
- Fish Consumption in Pregnancy
- Healthy Schools Network
- Illinois Department of Public Health Children’s Product Safety
- International Joint Commission
- Lead Safe Illinois
- Midwest Pesticide Action Center
- National Center for Environmental Health
- National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health & Safety
- National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
- Pan American Health Organization
- Pesticide Action Network of North America
- Physicians for Social Responsibility
- Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment
- Respiratory Health Association
- World Health Organization
- United Nations Children’s Fund
- Investigating Environmental Contaminants-Minnesota supplement (