Catalyzing the Global Phase-out of Lead Paints
We're happy to announce the details of our next webinar on October 27, Wednesday at 7am Chicago/Guadalajara (GMT-5). The webinar is about "Catalyzing the Global Phase-out of Lead Paints", and is co-organized by Casa Cem, CEPHED and Ecowaste Coalition. Sara Brosché and Manny Calonzo will facilitate.
As the International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week is observed on October 24-30, IPEN is launching a global campaign to get Rotterdam Convention listings of the lead pigments that are used as paint ingredients. This webinar will discuss how listing lead pigments will advance global lead paint elimination; help countries adopt and enforce lead paint control regulations; and make exporting countries assume major responsibilities for the control of lead pigments and the lead paints that contain them.
We have another excellent line-up of speakers:
--- Jeiel Guarino, IPEN's global lead paint elimination campaigner will present the "Overview of International Efforts to Eliminate Lead Paint"
--- Sofia Chavez, Casa Cem's Director General will discuss "Challenges in Eliminating Lead Paint: A Country Experience"
--- Jack Weinberg, IPEN's Senior Policy Advisor will discuss "How a Rotterdam Convention Listing of Lead Pigments Can Accelerate Global Phase-Out of Lead Paints"
The webinar will be available in 6 languages: Spanish, Bahasa Indonesia, Chinese, Arabic, Russian and French.
Please register your participation using this link, and please help promote this webinar in your networks. We will upload translated versions of the promotional materials in this folder in the coming days.
Mark your calendars, everyone! Thank you and see you on the 27th!
Warmest regards,
Anne on behalf of the webinar team